The Achlys release

2 min readAug 18, 2021

Thales’ lightspeed engaged

Have you seen people in CT (Crypto-twitter) praising Thales devs for their release speed? ⚡

Because we have seen those comments and we are thrilled with it! Gives us more motivation to keep hitting the keyboard like there’s no tomorrow.

We’ve decided to give our release updates a more formal structure, so everyone can follow along with Thales’ progress on its way to re-imagining binary options on the Ethereum network.

Without further ado, we present you…

The Achlys release

You can find the GitHub release notes here.

Brief summary:

  • New Quick trading page: This was one of the most requested features and we are already getting some great feedback on it!
  • Possibility to link a display name on the leaderboard by signing a message proving wallet ownership. The leaderboard was part of our last release.
  • Markets can now be opened in a new tab as standard links.
  • Market overview filters can now be combined (two levels).
  • The markets overview page now has a unique URL per filter combination so you can have a direct link for every market.
  • Bug fixing.

Thales dapp releases

With this post, we are kick-starting a new convention for naming releases.

And what better way to tie in Thales’ Greek roots than to start calling our releases according to this list of Greek mythological figures.

We decided to start from the Primordial deities category going down alphabetically, saving the major Gods and Goddesses for major releases.

So… this release is officially called Achlys. Yes, we know, the deity for sorrow and misery doesn’t sound too appealing for a release name but Thales gives everyone a fair chance, even those deities we don’t like that much. Blame the gods for such diversity 😆

We’ll keep building Thales dapp, engaging with the community, and sharing this epic journey with you.

If you haven’t already don’t forget to follow Thales on Twitter and join the fun in Discord!

Onwards! 🚀




Thales is an Ethereum protocol that allows the creation of novel on-chain, permissionless, and non-custodial Parimutuel Markets.